Friday, October 29, 2010

That Feeling

You know when you’re somewhere tropical, and it has just rained, and everything is warm and steamy and smells incredible? Or when you get up really early in the morning, or stay out really late at night in summer, and it’s dark but still humid and there’s a perfect breeze? When you listen to a song that brings back a memory of a perfect day. Or when you wake up in the winter, and someone has been up before you and turned the heater on, so you stay in bed that little bit longer just because everything is so warm and cozy? Or when you drink too much, the moment where you feel like you can take on the world and nothing can hurt you. The feeling of accomplishment when you finish something that means the world to you. When you sleep over at a friends, and in the middle of the night, you go for a walk around the streets and just lie in the middle of the road, watching the colors change on the traffic lights, holding your best friends hand. Remember when you were a little kid and the simplest things made you happy? Like blowing bubbles, or pink fairy floss, or having a butterfly painted on your cheek. Those energetic moods, when you’re home alone blasting your favorite songs and dancing like there’s no tomorrow. The feeling after you exercise, you’re full of energy and just feel like screaming with happiness. Or when you’re favorite song comes on the radio, and you turn it up really loud and sing to it like crazy. The single moment of pure adrenaline, when you’re on a ride, and the moment where you feel like you’re going to fall off, you put arms up and let go and forget about absolutely everything. That feeling. That is what we live for. That is what makes it all worth it. And right now, that is what I need. I need that feeling.


Morgan said...

I know you've been through a lot these past couple days but just keep positive each day and you'll slowly get there. I know everything will hurt for a while and it will seem so hard to get past the things you are thinking but it will get better.

Once the time passes... you will have those feelings again. You will be happy. It just takes time which of course sucks because it should just come instantly but that's part of life.

Katy. said...

Why haven't I seen this one before?? It's amazing. I know exactly what you're trying to say. It's speechless. Thank you so much for this.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you're talking about. That feeling. I have it all the time.

Thanks for posting this. Beautiful.

Pete said...

very cool.