Sunday, February 26, 2012

Open Letter: Dear Marco (Polo) Part II

We all know I get my thoughts out better - and a lot less awkwardly and no stuttering - on paper. I mean, you do know that already by now, right?? Sometimes what I mean to say and what actually comes out of my mouth exist in two separate dimensions. I've been thinking a lot lately about that which actually brings me to this letter. If you haven't read my first letter to Marco (Polo) you can read it HERE!

Dear Marco (Polo),

No one should have to lower their standards, I agree, but there is something to be said for being more realistic with your expectations?? There are very few "princes" riding around on white horses looking for women to marry. My expectations are nothing that you can't live up to. I know you can. I have faith in you. I'm not asking you to fly me to the moon, to buy me sets of diamonds and pearls or even take me on an extravagant romantic getaway to Paris.

Who says that all fairytales have to be grand, full of pomp and circumstance?? They don't. The entire allure of a fairytale is because it's your dream - whatever that may be - coming true. For you. It could be a whirlwind European romance (not me), or it could be watching the sun set and sharing a glass of root beer (SO me). I won't ever apologize for believing in fairytales, especially my own. But I do however apologize to myself for putting myself in this position. I want nothing more an for you to be that prince but I'm not sure you are. :/

I'm an independent and content girl but honestly, and sadly, I need that affectionate bull crap from you to make me happy. Isn't that really all anyone wants from another human being?? To feel that chemistry, that spark, that lightbulb moment?? I don't know. Maybe that scares you?? It shouldn't, and if it does, I suspect that reflects your own insecurities. I can't exactly help you sort out that kind of baggage but I'll try.
I'm not sure why things are the way they are. I thought we got pasted those awkward "first" moments. We've held hands, we've cuddled, and we've even kissed. Shouldn't things get better after the first kiss?? Shouldn't that 'I feel awkward around you because I like you' feeling be gone by now?? I thought so but maybe you've lost those feelings you've once had for me. Maybe you're realizing you never had feelings for me and just see us being friends, so you're slowly trying to move into that dreadful "friend zone" that no women ever wants to be in.

I'm not looking for us to have a label of boyfriend/girlfriend because, honestly I'm not ready for that but I do need to know where we stand. I can't keep chasing nothing. That will just destroy me in the end and I'll just end up heart broken and sad. I just need for you to grab my hand once in a while. If I get scared during a movie just grab my hand or pull me in to cuddle. Kiss me unexpectedly whenever the mood seems right. I won't get upset with you, I promise. You can even kiss me goodnight. I won't hate it, I promise. I just can't keep making all the moves. It's starting to seem like I'm doing all the work of showing how I care and I'm getting nothing back.

So if these expectations are to much to ask, than I'm not sure what to do because I fail to see that. I just need you to start not being shy now, Marco (Polo) and let me know what you're thinking.

Bandit?!? :]]!


Morgan said...

he's stupid for doing this to you.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have todo all te work and if he's not putting stuff in as well maybe he doesn't like you. Not tying yogurt your feelings but just maybe. He's stupid if he doesnt.

Chistina said...

I hope everything works out for you. Guys are weird in that way. He'll realize what's he going to miss if he doesn't make it known that he likes you and that will be his loss.

Trevor said...

I know a great guy that will you show you that he cares for you everyday.

Chad said...

Normally when two people share their first kiss that's when their relationship (whatever it might be) progresses into something. Maybe sense you've had that first kiss and nothing has happen sense then... nothing will happen between you two.

Or... he's just never been in this situation before and doesn't know how to act around you. Not in the sense he's shy with you but he's shy because he doesn't know how to go from talking into holding your hand, cuddling with you or even that kiss. He probably wants nothing more than to kiss you but doesn't know how to go about it.

Or... he's just stupid and is going to miss out on an amazingly funny girl and that will be his loss because he's gotta know that you're not going to wait around for him forever.