Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's my Birthday. Oh, Joy!

Today is my birthday, and just as I had expected, it was yet another let down. I've stopped liking my birthday years ago.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day--What We're Really Thinking?

It all started back in the middle ages, but no one seems to know the real story behind St. Valentine. Not that it seems to matter nowadays; Valentine's Day is all about ridiculous cards, stuffed animals, candy and chocolates, and romantic evenings. The one day of the year where everyone decides to show that they have feelings, but on February 15, we're all back to normal.

I have never been a fan of Valentine's Day for many reasons, but a big one being the cheesy nature of this "holiday". Really, what's the point in buying flowers and chocolates for your girlfriend and setting up some big romantic night for just the two of you? And why can't this happen on any other day of the year, why just one night out of all the 365? I've only ever celebrated this holiday once, not by choice, and it wasn't even any of the above.

My personal opinion on the matter? It's just another one of those days where us singletons get to revel in the fact that we are currently alone. Just another day to remind ourselves that there's no one lining up at our doors to take us out on some extravagant, one-night-of-the-year kind of date. So that leaves us with two options: being depressed or completely forgetting what day it is (until you get a million text messages on your phone telling you Happy Valentine's Day from your friends and your plan is foiled). And then you think to yourself, although vowing to never admit it aloud, "Well...there's always next year." Because secretly, deep down, everyone who says they hate Valentine's Day is more likely than to be lying through their teeth.