Tuesday, June 28, 2011


How can I consider something that had been deemed silly, unrealistic and impossible by society? Why would I ever think it could ever happen, especially to me??

Monday, June 13, 2011

Open Letter: Dear Amanda,

What the fricken frack are you doing?!?

Being the same person as you, I know you're going through a lot. I know that you are numb and emotionally desensitized to your world drastically changing in just a matter of weeks. I know you are tired of sad eyes, and heck – you’re just plain tired. And you know what? You’re allowed to be.

It’s just that… people have walked away before, right? You completely opened yourself up to a person and held your heart out in front of them, only to have them set it down and never pick it up again. And that hurt. It stayed with you. It stays with you. That ex is the ex that will stay with you, despite the forgiveness you gave to him in your heart, despite the amends you two are making now.

You need to figure out what you want. And I would recommend doing it very soon before anything else happens.

Sincerely, Yourself.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

As you have noticed,

I've been very off with blog posts, mostly because life has definitely taken over. My thoughts consist of just a few things lately and barely nothing but that anymore. As always, I'm trying to be the optimistic, smartass and highly sarcastic person I am about everything to make things not so difficult and frustrating. Spending time with friends are a must, so is immersing myself in work and trying to pick up as many shifts as I can. But what about him.... my mind can't seem to get him out.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


No matter how hard you try,
things can't always be as clear as black and white.

Sometimes you just really have to put yourself out there
if you ever want to get anything back.