Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Open Letter: Dear Marco (Polo)

This was probably the hardest letter I've ever written because for the first time my letter actually got to the person it was written for. Did he read it?? I'm not sure but he got it and I know that because I personally gave it to him. I felt like a complete loser afterward but he got it. That's all that matters. Now, I'll worry about if he read it or not... but I got all week to freak out over that. :/

Dear Marco (Polo),

I've been meaning to write this letter to you for some time now but you truly cause me serious writers block but it's time I tell you.

You know when you have a really great dream and you're super happy. Then you kinda wake up halfway and drift back to sleep, hoping to keep that dream? You know the feeling when you get that dream back immediately and continue with it? THAT FEELING.
Or when you take a walk, run or bike ride somewhere and the sun is shining, and it's warm, but not to hot and the grass is really green and the bees are buzzing? THAT HAPPINESS.
Or when it's a cool night and there's a huge storm brewing ouside, and the thunder clangs, and you snuggle deep down into the warm covers? THAT SAFENESS.
Or when you're in a crowded place, and you smile at a little kid, and their face lights up and they get a huge grin. THAT MOMENT.

That is how you make me feel. I just needed to tell you because I truly wonder if you knew how many times I've thought about you.

I'm not usually this shy and introverted, I swear, but the truth is, you're not like everyone else. You intimadate me. You're so puzzling and hard to read and I hate it.

Sometimes I wish that you were a robot. I would open you up, and cross some wires, flip some switches, push some buttons, and tighten some screws. Until you didn't act so mechanical. It might seem harsh I know, but you are one of the most frustrating people that I know. Yet you make me so nervous. I never know what to say to you when you get all geek talk on me. All I can do is just stand there, speechless. Just watching you talk.

I wish that I wasn't so awkward when I first see you. Everytime, every single time. I avoid your gaze and pretend that everyone in the room is more interesting than you, when really you are the only person I want to talk too. But I still refuse to look at you and I try to make conversation with someone near me and it's like you don't exist.

But I am so, so aware of you. Eventually I work up the courage to glance at you and you're usually talking to someone but on occasion our eyes will meet and I swear I blush and look away but I always look back. I don't know why I look back.

It's time I tell you that I adore you and have now for a while but I don't have to courage to tell you. I've dropped hints like they were flash gerandes and you were the target on a game of Modern Warfare 3, watched them explode in your face and you don't even flinch.

Maybe that's your way of telling me you don't feel the same way but I swear sometimes I feel like you know and you have those same feelings back toward me.

So I think it's about time I tell you, I don't love you; I barely know you. But I'm fascinated by your potential.

Amanda Melinda Brydon

Thursday, November 17, 2011

So I really like you and I think you're perfect... If it's okay with you I'd really like to make you mine because I'm falling pretty damn hard.

Oops, I meant "Hey." Damn autocorrect.

Only if I could actually send that.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I have a big mouth, and I wear my heart on my sleeve. I may be proud of these traits, but in society they have proven to not be a good combo. Who knew?

Now if only I could start thinking before I act or speak...then I might be able to make up for everything else. But we know how hard that would be for me. Besides, that doesn't sound like much fun!

Maybe one day... hmm.