Tuesday, January 3, 2012

So, about those love bombs.

Romance and love is a funny thing, isn't it? Sometimes, it's so obvious that you have feelings for someone; it's as if the emotions can't leap out of your chest fast enough, and you find yourself tripping over your words. Then, other times, you find yourself in a minefield of confusion. Love bombs, as I call them, keep going off, but you don't know which ones are directed at you and which ones you're simply reading too much into.

I, obviously, tend to follow the second path, both hurling love bombs in the air and not knowing what to do with the ones that I find rolling toward my feet. I received this interesting comment in response to talking with a friend over some similar subject.

"Relationships are not like your college classes. You can't "study" for life experiences like dating."

Wouldn't it be great if love was like that? If there was some sort of manual to read, full of how-to guides and checklists for every situation you could possibly encounter. Even though the romantic side of me would hate it, the rational part of me would love a scientific, logical approach to dating.

I'd love a handy how-to guide for telling someone you like them - a list of possible things to say, perhaps. It would certainly squelch a lot of those butterflies. If you think about it, it sort of makes sense. There's no questioning how you feel about someone, and the person on the receiving end never has to wonder how you feel about them. Everything is out in the open. No pretense. No secrets. No hiding the truth, or even being afraid that your true feelings will seap through without your knowing. There's a certain sort of freedom with knowing that you don't have to hide how you feel, isn't there, boys? You don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing or about the other person judging you.

Wouldn't it be amazing if men and women were just honest with each other, if we shared our emotions openly and let someone know how we truly felt about them? Maybe we're all just making things more difficult than they need to be. I don't know about you, but there's always that person that makes you come undone. I'm excited for the day I can just blurt out, "I like you" to that someone. That's it. Just those 3 little words. It sums up exactly how I feel without any fancy speeches or beating around the bush. What do you think that would look like? What would you think if I actually did that? And really, what exactly are we afraid of?

So tell me, boy...how do I know if you like me? What's your go-to move for telling a girl you like her?


Melissa said...

you know, my boyfriend and i started dating because I was the one who made the first move, who said "i like you". i didn't wait around for him to say it first...in fact, i'd still be waiting around if i hadn't said it! my point is, i never wait around for the boy to say something first, to make the first move. while there is something sweet and romantic about that, it's not always realistic.
and the really amazing thing about love and relationships is that there ISN'T a manual, so you never know what's going to happen. it's exciting.
that being said, i fully agree with your last paragraph about honesty.

Anonymous said...

I have done it- just told someone I liked them. They didn't like me back, but it was a huge relief to tell them! I am all about getting it all out there.