Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh, To Be Young Again...

I constantly find myself in the toy section of any store that actually has one. Most people probably wonder why seeing as I'm going on 23 and I'm on the verge of putting my life together. No, I am not playing with Barbies and baby dolls in my free time. The truth is, other than being a total child at heart, I like to remember the days of my 'youth' (though I am aware I am still very youthful). It's always weird to me to see what little kids, especially girls, are buying as toys these days compared to what I grew up with. All this crazy, sexed up girly crap. And of course, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana dolls. And robotic puppies? What happened to the real ones you're supposed to get on Christmas or for your birthday?

So basically, this is what I remember from my childhood:

1) Furbies. I mean, come on. Those things were awesome. Of course, until you woke up in the middle of the night to "Feeeeeed meee" coming out from under your bed and some weird "ah! ah! ah!" noises. Then you wondered when a priest could stop by for an exorcism. Fun Fact: they are even more frightening when you set them on fire.

2) Pogs. I have no idea what they were for to this day, but I had a bunch.

3) Diva starz? Weren't those the ugly robotic dolls with big feet that had buttons on the shoes? I remember Christmas morning trying to get that thing to work. Snap on clothes...psht.

4) Puzzles. Dude, you weren't cool unless you did them, I don't care what you tell me.

5) Beanie Babies. Largest waste of money ever. I had hundreds and got rid of most of them, though my mom would have a heart attack remembering how much money would be lost.

6) Giga Pets. I wish these things still existed. I had this awesome cat one, but it would die on me like every night. Maybe now that I'm more of an insomniac I wouldn't have a floating angel cat every morning. My friend had a Star Wars one. Yeah, that's right. A pet Yoda. I was incredibly jealous, I'd "borrow" it sometimes...

7) Hot Wheels. My brothers had a bunch of these, though they are still around today I remember them from being a kid quite well.

8) Gameboy. Back when they were all bulky and had that ugly greenish screen.

9) Power Rangers. Who the hell does not remember when they were cool?

10) Doom. Come onnnnn. Come onnn! That game with it's laughable graphics now used to scare the shit out of me!

13) Comic Books. Whatever happened to those being cool?

14) Pokemon. I really don't think I need to say more.

So I suppose my childhood consisted of Mario Kart, Sonic the Hedgehog, and those damn pogs that I have no idea why I collected them. Maybe I was a nerd, but that's a lot of what I think of when I remember my childhood.

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