Monday, December 12, 2011

This Girl Can't Help It.

As much as we may deny it, I think in the back of our minds we all yearn for that happy ending. We all want things to be smooth sailing and clear waters. We want things to be simple but somehow work out.

Very rarely does this ever happen.

Yet, when things are working out, we find ourselves wondering what's going to go wrong. Things are too good to be true, right?? I know I wish I could live in a moment without wondering when the crash and burn is going to kick in and kick me out.

Because I never thought I could have all this. I never thought this would happen to me. I'm so happy, things are looking up and it's just...skyrocketing. I have my bad days, but now I have great days.

Although we may be raised on rainbows and fairy tales, I don't want to get hurt. As hard as I may try to focus on the good days, I find myself warily looking over my shoulder as to what's coming next.

Because I never thought I could have all this.


Anonymous said...

It's very rare that we ever stop permanently looking over our shoulder, but there are times -sometimes months at a time- when I find myself just living in the moment. And it's so refreshing. I wish I could let myself be like that ALL THE TIME!

Very good post!

Cooler said...

We've all been and still are there. We all want everything to go prefect but terriffied for that it will go bad.

Trevor said...
