Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Heart

My heart is ugly. I'm mean and sarcastic, mixed with this insane ability to mess things up. I don't want to be ugly anymore .I don't want to be remembered as the girl with the ugly heart. I want to be bright and shiny, remembered as the girl who loved lots, the girl who laughed easily, the girl who seemed to shine just because.

Inside each of us, there's a piece that wants to be memorable and beautiful. Maybe society taught us that. Maybe since the fall of man, we've been reaching to attain perfection. I'm not an exception to this. The thought of no one remembering me scares me; becoming faceless makes me nervous. Whether people remember me or not is still not what matters. It's still about my inside - my heart.


Anonymous said...

wow. that left me speechless. i felt like i was reading something out of a published book. if it means anything you have touched my heart with yours <3 Jessica

Morgan said...

Yet another post that I love. I can't get over your writing. Keep it up.