Sunday, June 3, 2012

Late Night Thoughts...

It seems like my fears have been multiplying this week, friends. And these fears are making me feel paralyzed. I've been trying to push these thoughts out of my head like a balloon, but they always seem to return, stronger and more powerful than ever. The thing is, I don't know how to shut my mind off. My brain seems to be locked in high gear, and I can't slow it down. I still can't seem to concentrate on much, and this scares me. I'm also still having trouble writing - how can something that used to come so natural to me suddenly seem like an impossible task? 

It's also so hard to put my feelings into words. The only way I know how to describe it right now is that I can't think. My mind seems even more foggy, and one of my biggest fears is that the fog is never going to lift. My mind used to be so clear, and now it's just all muddled. I just keep saying how much I want my life back - all the joy and happiness that I used to know and love. I know healing takes time, and maybe I'm being impatient. I tend to get like that sometimes. I want things to come instantaneously, but with being heartbroekn, I'm realizing that's not going to happen. But isn't it natural to want to get rid of feelings that are so foreign to you as quickly and swiftly as possible?

Thanks for listening this week, friends. 


Anonymous said...

It's so sad hearing that you feel this way. I hope you start to feel better really really soon.

Matt said...

Sometimes everything just comes at once and becomes so so overwhelming.... you just got to stay strong and not let that happen... its so hard to give advice on how to do that because everyone does it differently, but all I can say is that you have a lot of people here hoping that you can stay positive and can be strong.

Chad said...

I think its perfectly normal to be impatient especially when you WANT to feel better, but you have to wait for your body and mind to reach the same spot on your path, and hold hands =)