Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mars Photos!

Fun fact of the day, MARS!

This week, NASA released the first images of Mars taken by it's Curiosity rover, which landed on August 6th near the foot of a mountain three miles tall inside a crater called Gale. While a nearly two-year mission Curiosity will investigate whether the region has ever offered conditions favorable for a microbial life, including the chemical ingredients for life. Cool right??

You can keep up with all the new information and images that come in at HERE or on TWITTER!

On another note...
Did you also know that NASA is developing a Space-Bound Submarine?? With the Shuttle program no more, NASA funding going to 28 such projects. And one of those 28 projects includes a submarine designed to explore Jupiter's moon Europa.


Anonymous said...

you are a geek but that's why i love you.

Pete said...

its piece less to think that we could be on mars right now. just looking at those pictures. it's amazing.

but do you think they'll find what there looking for?