Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Works Of My Dark Minion??

It's hard to say what happened exactly but I don't remember feeling so depressed. I woke up about a week ago feeling a little down. I made it to work and found that I didn't feel like talking to anyone. My mood ranged from anxious and bored to feeling like I was on the verge of tears. 

My workmate seemed happy to see me and said "seems like I haven't seen you for ages". All I could think was "I don't want to talk to you, leave me alone" but I was polite.

I said my "hi's" and "hellos" But walked away as soon as I had a chance. Didn't want them to ask my anything with substance. Didn't have the energy to answer.

And it's been like that sense then...

Another work workmate of mine came up to me a couple days ago and asked why I've been so blah. I just stood there. Making no eye contact. Just frozen but I wasn't frozen with fear, I just emotionally couldn't fake an answer, especially not with her. I got home and went to bed, hoping I'd feel better in the morning.

Days later... the same.

Even today I really don't want to leave my room because my roommates are home, which means I'd have to talk to them. I can't think of anything I want to do less.

I have a pointless 4 hour shift tonight and I don't think I will be able to handle it. I'm going to break down. I'm already thinking of ways I can avoid people. 

I'm not always like this, I usually enjoy being at work or at home. For some reason though I feel far too depressed to interact with people. Fingers crossed for a better mood tomorrow morning. I hope to keep it together.


Anonymous said...

things will get better.

Chad said...

you're blog is so depressing lately. i'm sorry you have to deal with all this stufff,.

Pete said...

sometimes when i'm feeling down and depressed. i have a me day. take a whole day to do whatever you feel like. as long as you don't just lay around. go out. go shopping. go to a movie. have lunch. go for a walk or a run. do something for you.

but do it by yourself.