Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 The New Beginning! :]

I haven't written anything truly... personal in a long time. A year ago I was filling this blog with all of my thoughts and emotions, dwelling on little things and making them big things. I was probably sharing too much, but I felt like I was figuring myself out. But for almost a year now, I haven't been like that.

It's not only affecting my blog, but it's affecting my life. Almost a year ago, I had my heart truly broken. It changed me so much, and I have to admit, to this day I still feel wounded at random. I try so hard to shake it off, but it's a part of me. I doesn't  always stick around and it isn't consistent, but when it comes back, it's unexpected and it's a low blow.

BUT 2013 is the new beginning.


Morgan said...


ive been worried about you. havent posted in a couple of moneths. bring your wrtiing back!

Chad said...

YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
