Thursday, January 3, 2013

Better Late Then Never

Remember at the beginning of 2012 I said I wanted to get this list of things done??

Just a couple things I wanna do and/or get done this coming up year.
  1. Get a pebble to bounce off the surface of the water 4 times.
  2. Thank my parents for everything they have done for me.
  3. Visit New York again!
  4. See at least 5 4 Broadway plays and/or musicals on stage. [Mary Poppins]
  5. Jog in the serenity and quiet shroud of the night.
  6. Read other people's minds.
  7. Stay awake for 48 hours straight.
  8. Go back to school.
  9. Get a car.
  10. Levitate.
  11. Learn sign language.
  12. Go on an actually date with someone that gives me butterflies.
  13. Expand my movie knowledge and watch all the top 250 movies on [Dec. 30th]
  14. Fly in a hot-air balloon.
  15. Fold a thousand origami cranes and give them to someone special.
  16. Go stargazing with someone that makes me smile.
  17. Stay up the whole night till sunrise conversing and relishing in the company of a good friend.
  18. Lose about 20-40 pounds.
  19. Lost another 30-60 pounds.
  20. Witness a meteor shower.
  21. Color Easter Eggs. [April 8th]
  22. Visit a Zoo with real live Pandas.
  23. Fly a kite.
  24. Get a tattoo.
  25. Help out someone in need.
  26. Get a better job.
  27. Soak in the beauty of a sunset.
  28. Experience a sunrise in its true glory.
  29. Give someone a surprise.
  30. Hug a mascot.
  31. Sleep in a hammock.
  32. Feel completely loved by someone.
  33. Have a dinner in a location that overlooks a city.
  34. Fly around a city in a helicopter.
  35. Understand the truth behind the time-space continuum.
  36. Go on a road trip. [May 18-30th] 
  37. Fall in love. [Marco (Polo)]
  38. Kiss someone in the rain.
  39. Read a book that I would have never read before.
  40. Donate blood more than 4 times.
  41. Learn to make a paper airplane.
  42. Get into a cab and say, "Follow that car!"

YEAAAAHHHHH.... I completely failed at that one. I was to busy trying to get my IMDb Movie Challenge done to finish anything else on the list. So... Starting 2013 off with saying... this is now just my better late than never?! I've decided Bucket list is... just to weird... seems like i'm just mapping out when I'm going to die or something... you know? Makes me think of some old lady trying to squeeze in a couple of more adrenalizing experiences before her time is up.

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