Sunday, April 8, 2012

2012 Bucket List; Easter Eggs!

21. Color Easter Eggs. <-- First thing on my 2012 Bucket List that I finally finished! :]]

Yup! That's right friends. I've finally finished something on my 2010 Bucket List. Yay! But as I think about it, is it sad that I'm 23 years old and I honestly have no memory of coloring Easter eggs until last night?!? Either or... Nicko and I colored our way through two dozen eggs. Here are some pictures for proof. Enjoy!

The carton of eggs. Back row are mine and front row are Nicko's.

I tried making a golden egg, like Willy Wonka's.

I made these little egg people. lol! Their funny.

This egg is Nicko's and I'm honestly jealous of it. It's just very purple and pretty.

and finally... (mind you my favorites) the Futurama cast and the characters of Portal 2. :]]

1 thing done on bucket list, 41 to go!



Chad said...

I think the Portal ones are absolutely fucking amazing. I would have never thought of doing those. and the Futurama ones are genius. BUT please explain how you have never done Easter eggs before???????????????????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you my new hero. portal easter eggs. awesome!