Thursday, April 5, 2012

Late Night Thoughts...

I've had a tough time of it these past few days. I've been feeling more depressed and more anxious, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. My thinking is still foggy too, which has been frustrating, to say the least. I feel like my mind isn't even working sometimes. It's so easy to say, "Oh, it's just the depression," but it's quite another to feel it in your heart and actually believe it. My heart just doesn't seem to want to catch up to my head for some reason. 

I'm scared, actually. I'm scared the depression is going to take hold again and pull me down. I'm scared I'm never again going to be the person I used to be. I've lost interest in so many hobbies and activities that I once enjoyed, and that in itself scares me to no end. Will I ever like those things again? It's like everything I've ever known has been thrown upside, and nothing ever seems to make sense. I just want to scream to the depression, "Give me my life back," and magically have everything right with the world again.

Thanks for listening today, friends! xoxo 

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