Sunday, April 15, 2012

Girl Gamer, get over it.

I've got an idea.

I'm disorganized and not very good with following through with ideas and quite honestly, this is one of those things where I woke up (quite angry) and just decided that I was going to do something... despite my short attention span and unwillingness of finishing things.

What led me to this idea was the fact that every time I decided to get into a CoD (Call of Duty for the unsavy) lobby, people decide that they would rather believe that a talking unicorn is communicating with them rather than a female who is even slightly decent at video games... no boys, girl gamers exist... the pot you decided to smoke two days ago is not messing with your brain.

Vent over.
We'll see what happens with this idea.

Peace out girl scout.


Christina said...

i seriously hate that.

Chad said...

what's your idea?