Thursday, September 9, 2010

Falling Into Place??

You know how people say that finally that their life is falling into place? Well, I think my life might be going through that process right now. Sure, things change; there is still drama, problems, and everyday difficulties. Yes, friends grow apart and disappoint you, and you learn that you can't always make everyone happy even though you try your hardest.

I just feel more whole than I've felt in a really long time. Even though there are still problems and everyday anxieties, it seems like I am dealing with them better. I am definitely not perfect, but I feel that I am becoming a better person. I have friends that are making me a better person. I have more control over my life than I have had in a really long time, if not ever. For so long I allowed others to have control of my life, and finally I am getting the backbone to be able to take control of my own life. I may not have taken totally control yet, but I at least feel that I have more than I did in the past.

There are many people who have helped me, and continue to help me through my life journey, but I think a big reason why my life fell into place was me. My attitude changed, my insecurities lessened, and I changed.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I love this post Mander. I'm glad everything seems to be moving forward for you even with all the drama inbetween. At least your not letting that stop you. Love ya. Can't wait to read the next post.