Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Open Letter: Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

Let me start by saying - I wish I had your courage. Lately, you've been doing what I thought you wouldn't do. You stepped out of your box and you said what was on your mind. You took all those words you wanted to say and just laid it on the line. You told me how it is. I wish I could do that. You have no idea.

Friend, there are a lot of things I admire about you. Right now your courage is just one of the things. But there's your persistence and your determination to fight for what you know you want, what you know is good for you. I want to grab that from you and put that in my heart - that passion and fire you just seem to come across so easily. I always have this fleeting hope that if I see someone else's passion, I will be passionate about whatever I can be passionate about.

You did something that could hurt you. You became vulnerable and laid your feelings out on the line. And it could've been the hardest thing, in fact I know if all this happened months ago you wouldn't have said anything at all. Yet, you did it. I couldn't do that - be vulnerable, lay myself on the line, do something I know I need to do and do it when it needs to be done, but am so scared to do. Gosh, you have a ton of courage, my dear friend.

I will give you a thousand hugs, whenever you need them. But for today, I just want you to know that you have my full out admiration and respect.

1 comment:

Greg said...

This is very sweet. I know exactly who it is too and I hope he sees it and knows how amazing you think of him.