Friday, May 18, 2012

Late Night Thoughts...

I suppose I don't have much to say today. This last week has been harder than the last, if you can believe it. I've had crying spells every single day. The tears just flow endlessly, and I can't seem to stop them. I still can't think, and that's one thing that leads to my tears. Plus, my fears seem so powerful right now, as if they're zapping all the energy out of me. I'm scared of everything. The future. How I'm ever going to come out of this. If I'm ever going to stop all this crying. Because I know the crying gets me nowhere, and yet I can't seem to stop. I used to be so strong, and now I just feel weak. I know I need to find the strength deep down inside that the heartache has buried. I just don't feel very strong right now. And I HATE this!!!

Thanks for listening, friends. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the crying is effective, even if it doesn't solve anything.

Chad said...

Hope you feel stronger soon. I like to think of tears as a purification process. If your body wants to purge itself of let it do so. Hopefully soon you'll gain your strength back. I will have you in my thoughts. Sending love and light your way