Friday, November 19, 2010

The Elephant in the room...

I don't know how many times I sit on my bed with my laptop in my lap just staring at the screen willing myself to write something. Yet half the time my mind draws a blank. Or I start writing a few sentences and then think to myself 'who's really going to want to read about that?' and then erase everything and continue staring at my screen. Half the time I give up twenty minutes later, mildly aggravated might I add and then end up not posting a blog for a couple of days or almost a whole week or two in one case. All the while I'm forcing myself to not acknowledge the fact that I have a bad case of writer's block. I know it's there, but I'm desperately trying to ignore it hoping by the sheer false ignorance that damn elephant will take a hike and leave me be.

If it isn't apparent yet, I have writer's block right now. Except...I'm using that to fuel this blog so I have something to write about. Though occasionally my mind wanders and I lose my train of thought and I'm left wondering what to write next. Like right now. If only there was some kind of cure for writer's block, like if it really was an elephant and I could just let loose a mouse in my room, or maybe a herd of mice (herd of mice? that can't be right...) and it would just disappear for good. Or maybe I need to find a way to come to terms with it, though that makes me sound slightly off my rocker for thinking along the lines of befriending writer's block. It isn't really an elephant, obviously. But I must admit, I might welcome it a bit more half the time if it actually was. I would never get work done, but hey, at least I'd have an elephant.

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