Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Open Letter: Dear Guys

Us girls are jealous creatures. We get jealous over the stupidest things, like how many xx’s you leave on another girl’s wall, the long pause when you see a girl hotter than us, the photo comments you leave other girls, and the way you smile and hug other girls. It’s the little things that set us off most of the time, and you hardly ever realise you’re doing it. It makes us jealous when you start talking to another girl for about five minutes before you actually introduce us, we get worried when you don’t text us back within the first half an hour, we take in everything you say and study the words all night to try and work out what you meant. We get scared of you wanting to use us, all we really want is a guy to respect us, comfort us, protect us, a guy we can cry to and tell all of our problems to. We want someone who will show his affection in public, kiss us softly when we’re upset, and who geniunely cares. We want to be loved, girls are meant to be treated like princess’s.

A girl

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