Sunday, January 30, 2011

Under My Skin.

Well, it takes all of my strength to be stable
and I force your insults under the table.
And if you were wise, you would compromise
and allow me to live my way.
'Cos I am not a force to be reckoned with,
and you don't have no clue what you're messin with.
You can't see to the best in me
'cos it's more than your heart can take.

And hiding beneath my blankets and sheets
I'm finally free
I'm killing the ghost of you
and I'm close to awakening me.

-A. Nalick

I was debating on writing this post just because of the fact that it'll show that I'm letting one person upset me as much as he is which shouldn't be the case. But I can't deny how incredibly annoyed I am.

How many variations of "leave me the fuck alone" do I need to express before this person gets it? I have far more relevant things to worry. The last thing I want on my plate is a stalker ex boyfriend who has nothing better to do than to act like a child and throw a fit when he's not getting the attention he wants. It's pathetic.

I really believe I'm the most forgiving person in the world,
so for a person to strike out, they must be one messed up mothafucker. 

Just sayin.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Just ignore him. You deserve better. Think of your new crush. You need to call asap and tell me the details.