Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Manhattanhenge! o_O?

Fun fact of the day, Manhattanhenge is a thing!

Yup. Yup. Yup. It sure is.

Picture this: You're walking along the streets of Manhattan at dusk. The setting is perfect -- there's a cool breeze in the air, and the city is bustling with activity. And that's when you see it in the distance, peeking through the skyscrapers. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's.... Manhattanhenge!

Yes, Manhattanhenge. This amazing wonder, which paints Manhattan in the soft, glowing hues of pink, orange, yellow and red, occurs just twice a year on May 29th and July 12th (just a couple of days ago!) when the sunset aligns perfectly with Manhattan's streets grids. These pictures are just stunning! How fun would it be to be able to capture something so rare!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

veeerry verrryy coool