Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I'll admit it; I can get really annoyed by the smallest thing. It just takes over and has the tendency to ruin my day. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one out there that gets annoyed. At least I hope I'm not.

This should be fun. It's the highlight of my life right now and the biggest thing I'm excited about but it seems that the more THIS person (which I dub Susan) gets involved, the more I'm getting annoyed.

I know sooner or later it will explode. It has too. It normally does. I just truly hate it when someone (Susan) needs everything done her way, that only Susan's way is the right way. To be honest, it pisses me off. What makes Susan think she is the most qualified to make that acquisition? Who cares if I'm doing it wrong. I'm young. I've never done something like this before. LET ME LEARN! Isn't that a part of growing up? Making your own mistakes and learning from them. Well Susan let me learn my own mistakes and back off.

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