Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Don't Hate You.

I honestly have been trying to write this blog for days now but for the life of me, I can't. With all these emotions and feelings going through my system I can't seem to get them out. Normally when writing on this blog the words just come to me and it just spills out but for some reason this time... nothing. Nothing is coming out.

I have things to get off my chest but I can't seem to word them. They make no sense when spoken out loud. I've tried re-wording everything in my head multiple times but they just seem pathetic when said. I hate it when you can't put thoughts into words.

I'm just having one of those moments. But I have to get this out there, so it's not all just brewing inside my head. Yuck! Have you ever felt like your world was standing still but at the same time falling apart? It totally sucks!!! I just don't know what to do any more. Sometimes when situations get to the point where they’re at that point…it’s best to cut ties.

You can swear to this day that I hate you and I was terrible to you and that everything I did made no sense to you… But that’s because you’re an idiot, silly. I don’t hate you. I just don’t understand you. What I do hate, however, is stupidity. And quite possibly those that carry it on their sleeves. I can’t decide how much your stupidity is affecting my feelings of you, but I know it can’t be any good.

So please. Don’t be one of those guys. The ones we used to talk about. The ones we used to swear were the worst? The one you’ve turned into one. Or maybe you were one all along. Maybe I’m just now noticing. But as stupid as you may act and as ridiculous as you may be, I still don’t hate you.

But as of now, I love me a lot more.

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