Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Daily Blog: Paint!

I've decided to do something a little bit different on this blog. My normal postings aren’t typical blog post. I take something that happened within that day and make that post all about that main theme. In yesterday’s case, I was in a jam of needing to take a risk and how important it was that I take a risk to move forward, and to not be afraid to take a risk when the time comes. Two days ago; I was asked why I wasn’t and haven’t been in a relationship in a while and I felt that I needed to state my case… etc. etc. Long story short, I don’t do the ‘this is what my day was like’ post until now.

I’m going to start to randomly do those varieties of post.

Today, Nick and I went shopping for a couple things for the house. Yes, I did say house. I don't think I've mentioned the fact on this blog before. About a couple months ago we were offered to rent out a house through Nicks sister, Holly. She gave us a good offer and we couldn’t give it up and everything went from there. Now, as the move in date is just 12 days away everything is getting stressful. I didn’t realize it’s going to be his hard to move into a place with two of my close friends. Should it be this hard?? Shouldn’t it be easier?? I’ve been told it’s a horrible idea to have friends as roommates but I always thought that we wouldn’t have any problems because we were such good friends. But, as the time gets closer and the matter of getting things down for the house, I can’t help but not get stressed about it and it’s driving me insane. I’m hoping once we’re actually in the house and the essentials are bought. Things will get better and easier.

On a better note and to the point of this blog post, we got paint! Nick and I got the paint that we’ll be using for our bedrooms. He’ll be painting his room Cornflower which is of course a blue and I’ll be painting my room Pigeon Gray which is clearly stated what color it is. We went to our good friends, Wal-Mart and got to visit our lovely friend, Mr. Paint Man. He was just as creepy and weird but just as cool as the first time we’ve seen him. We even got somewhat of a stink eye from him when Nick and I decided we wanted to sword fight each other with the big 5 gallon paint stir sticks. It was pretty epic when we noticed he was watching us.

We should be starting to paint every soon which I’m pretty excited about because who doesn’t love to paint. I know I sure do which means it's just another step closer to actually moving into the house. :]]

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