Sunday, July 18, 2010


Sometimes you just have to do what feels right. You are not always able to know whether it will be right ten years from now, but sometimes you just have to take that chance. Risks can provide you with some of the best feelings in life. They can also provide you with some of the worst feelings in life. Either way it is important to have experience with different kinds of feelings whether that feeling is ecstatic, fear, or heartbroken.

I have definitely had my fair share of feelings. If you know me very well at all you should already know that. I have taken at least a couple of major risks, but I hope to take more in the future. Sometimes there is someone or something that you have to trust. Whether it is yourself you are trying to trust or someone else, eventually your heart just tells you that you need to have faith in something or someone. I believe that it is natural human nature to feel that way. There are times we need to just peel the layer of protection off of our hearts. We need to have faith in ourselves and others enough to be open to trust...

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