Friday, July 30, 2010

Open Letter: Dear Anonymous,

Sometimes I watch you. I watch you struggle to get through the day with this burden on your shoulders. I want to help but I don’t know how. I wish I had the answers, that I could just make everything easier for you. When I look in your eyes I can almost see what you’ve seen. You’ve got the whole world pushing down on your shoulders and you’re desperately trying to push back. I see the pain in your expression when you look up and smile a crooked smile. I see that you’re hurt, I worry for you. I see you telling yourself that if you look down and just don’t speak, maybe things will be okay. But they aren’t are they? I want you to find the will within yourself to find the answer you’re looking for. I know you got it in you. I hope you find what you’re looking for because I hate seeing you so hurt.

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