Sunday, July 18, 2010


Believe or Don’t Believe??

Don’t Believe! Before you start to judge me and pull you’re so young you've got your whole life to find and/or fall in love with someone. Well, 21. I’ve lived a good part of my life and I can truly say at this point in my life. I feel that love just isn’t for me. I’m just not cut out for it. With everything that I’ve been through in my life it’s just taught me that love is just pointless and warped into something that it clearly isn’t.

When growing up as a little girl, I was told that love is this magical feeling. That it will bring me happiness, joy, peace and trust. Love has brought everything but that into my life. I’ve been through pain, heartache, betrayal, abuse, hate, lies, and unfaithfulness. I’ve been ripped apart into pieces and then ripped again into smaller pieces. I’ve been crushed. I’ve been broken. I’ve been shattered and after many years of trying to feel the need of having love in my life… I’ve learned my lesson.

Love has taught me that I’m just better off on my own because you can only trust yourself. With every relationship that I’ve had it has ended in cheating, abuse, death and/or pain. Now, why would I keep looking for something like that? I’m better off being alone and having my own faith in my hands. I don’t want to have to depend on a man to make me feel good about myself. I don’t want to have to depend on a man to make me feel loved and beautiful. I don’t want to have to depend on a man to tell me that I’m worth something in this world.

I should be able to do that all on my own and someday I hope I can do that on my own. So, please stop asking me when I’m going to have someone because I honestly have no answer for it.


Jonna said...

hmm good one i love this post I think its true i dont think anybody should have to have a man tell them all those things if they do then they have a real problem. A woman should be strong enough to do that on there own. i think that you are strong enough to do that by your self you go girl

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jonna. I've learned that I do need to be more independent and trust myself. What I need to learn, and slowly am learning is that I need to believe in myself and truly know that I am something in this world and I do mean something... But, I can only take one day at a time.

Anonymous said...

Here here, i agree. :] you dont need a man to tell you your pretty or anything like that to give you self worth. bcuz thats insecurity...and security is what you want to achieve and that's awesome. :] bcuz eventually if the right guy comes along and pursues you, then you will be secure with yourself and make the right decisions and not have your head in the clouds like some girls do when they "love". :P