Monday, July 12, 2010

Journal Confessions

Keeping journals are an important way to keep your thoughts together. I’ve had one ever since I was young, though I refuse to call them diaries. To me, they’re my way to vent and understand what’s going on in my life at the time. I used them to help figure out exactly what I was feeling and to get me through many situations that I couldn't ask for help with. They helped me cope and grow.

My most recent entries from the past few years are all scribbled out on loose notebook paper or in the online journaling known as livejournal. I would rant long paragraphs that most were about boys and heartache. Some entries were about bad friendships or bad night outs. A few were feelings on a situation that had broken me down into a deep depression. Some were about dealing with death in the family. Some were dealing with being cheated on--more than a few times by different guys.

Looking back and re-reading them I could remember what I was going through when I wrote the entries and knew it was something I didn't want to feel again. A few of them reminded me of who my real friends were. A few of them reminded me of the good times I had with family and friends. But as I grow older, I need some place new. Some place new to stare my memories, pain, feelings, and just random rambles. So, to us blog! We'll become great friends.

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