Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Past, Present, Future

Do you ever stop yourself for a moment and remember the past? Remembering times whether it was a good experience or bad? Life is surly full of them and your life doesn’t exist without. Do you know the saying; forget the past, live in the present and look forward to the future? Do you agree or disagree?

In terms of living the in present and look forward to the future; I one hundred percent agree. I believe life is too short to worry about small things that happen within each day. Just live it. Make that day the fullest it can be. Granted you will get stress or upset as some things come into the picture but I always try to think in the future. Know that sooner or later it will be alright whether it’s just a couple days, weeks, months or even years from then. You’re life won’t always be that horrible day.

But in terms of forgetting the past; I have to disagree. The past is the past and we can’t change it but I think it can change us. The past is something that forms you. It’s part of you. It makes you and always will be whether it’s good or bad. Everybody has those bad and good days. Everybody always tries to forget them but why? I believe it’s those bad days that you learn from. Those are the days that you grown from. They help you grown into well, you. You make yourself a better person. Now, why would you want to forget something that made you a better person?

I’m not saying you need to keep some horrible day that you went through fresh in your memory. I’m just saying; it will come to use. Someday in the near future you might be in some kinda of situation where knowing how you dealt with it beforehand will help. It’s just something that I recently learned.

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