Friday, August 27, 2010

Fish Out Of Water

I know a girl, a girl who has a good life, but just can't see it. She takes it for granted everyday. She can't focus on the positivity in her life. If you look in her eyes, you might just see how stressful it is for her, you might just see what she has seen, and maybe you would understand how hurt she is, but of course; she won't show it around you because she doesn't want anyone to know. And, so nobody does.

They all think she's a carefree, fun-loving girl... they couldn't be more wrong. She keeps to herself about how she feels about herself. She keeps to herself about the things that hurt her. She keeps to herself because she feels like that will just make things better. She keeps to herself, she knows it's not good for her, but she has to do it. Sometimes faking a smile is easier than having to answer, "What's wrong?"

This girl can give great advice to others, but when it comes to herself: she has no clue. This girl has been hurt by a boy many times which has made her strong, but has also damaged her. Because now, she looks at the idea of a relationship different because she's too scared of getting hurt again.

I know this girl, I know everything about her. I'm the only one that knows. I know this girl that feels like a fish out of water.

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