Tuesday, August 31, 2010


In February 2011 two beautiful babies are going to arrive and I'll officially be an aunt.

While initially in shock and feeling terrified about the circumstances of my younger sister being so young and the pregnancy unplanned, I've warmed up to the idea since, and have been daydreaming about rushing to the hospital as soon as their born and seeing their little faces, chubby little fingers and toes.

I've always loved children and dreamed about being an Aunt and having someone to spoil rotten but I just hope I can be a good Aunt.

I can't wait until the doctor appointments, baby shopping, ultrasounds, baby showers, and of course I mostly can't wait until those two beautiful babies will be welcomed to this world with our lovely family around them. I can't wait to hold them and watch them smile and become their own individual person.

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