Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just Putting It Out There

Sometimes I want to go back in time and do things all over again; sometimes I want to change things in my past so I don’t have to pay for them in the future. Sometimes I want to go lock myself in a cupboard just to get away from the world and never come out. Sometimes I wonder whether I was put on the earth for a reason, I can’t figure it out yet. To piss people off? To change someone’s life? To walk the earth unnoticed? Or to influence a generation by change?

I try as hard as I can to be alternative. Honestly I would love to stand out as an inspiration, for people to stare, for people to talk. That’s the attitude I wish I had. If you know me, you’ll know I like to sing aloud when I know I can’t sing, I don’t hold back when I laugh, I’m quiet when I’m pissed off, I talk shit to people’s faces, not over facebook. I fall for the guys who ‘sweet talk’ girls, which doesn’t end up very good. I haven’t made the best choices in life so young. Everything I’ve said and done has made me who I am today, if you can’t accept that then just walk away now.

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