Thursday, August 19, 2010


I’ve always found myself to be a firm Gay Rights activist and I truly believe that everyone deserves a chance to succeed in this world, including Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals... whatever. I have several friends who are LGBT, and it really startles me how mistreated they are. I mean, they are people just like me, so it is only natural that they should be respected as such.

The statement that pisses me off the most is one that I’m sure everyone has heard before at one time or another… “Two men or two women getting married ruins the sanctity of marriage.” When I see that on a little bumper sticker on someone’s car, it makes me want to ram in the end of their car and slap them. I’m sorry, I know we are all humans and we make mistakes but Gay’s being married to each other isn’t what is ruining the sanctity of marriage. I’m mean, our former president stood up in front of the entire country (mind you, he is suppose to be setting an example for the rest of us) and admitted to having an affair… but that’s ok? How is that not ruining the sanctity of marriage? The divorce rate of straight couples alone… enough said. I don’t even need to elaborate about that.

Those who are homophobic need to learn how to accept people the way that they are because we are human and every human being is different. People who can’t accept this face are not going to get very far in this diverse world. I sincerely wish the best for all the Gays, Lesbians, Transsexuals, and Bisexuals who are abused or mistreated.

What business is it of yours to tell someone else they can’t be happy?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To be honest, this is a serious issue that goes beyond just that. It goes to religion, the most sacred of all topics in some peoples minds.

It's sad the way some religions have such narrow minded people, I even happen to work with one. And due to the fact that I am 'okay' with abortions in some cases, wherein rape or trying to make sure that this girl is ready for such a giant adventure and if she isn't, well then she shouldn't bring something into the world. I am not okay with girls using abortions as a form of birth control, however. But, because of this view, my Christian coworker has given me the label of 'baby-killer'.