Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sleepless Nights

Sleeping has been a huge struggle for me lately. It boggles my mind as to how anyone can just fall asleep so easily, simply by resting their head on a pillow. Usually I'm laying in bed anywhere from an hour to three hours trying to fall asleep. Generally I have to keep myself up until I'm about to crash. This way I fall asleep easily and don't waste time laying in bed trying to fall asleep... but I still end up waking up through out the night a couple times at least. Sometimes I won't be able to fall asleep at all. The next day I'll feel like a lifeless zombie, and make up for the hours I didn't sleep at night with little power naps during the day but even when making up for the sleepless night, it will still take me just as long to fall asleep the next night.

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